Some of us may have unusual experiences like this: Sometimes, when you are take a walk, or ride the bike from a place to another place, but on the middle of your trip, in a side of the street, suddenly someone appear and stand up while showing their private parts to you. Other sample: Once upon a day, a couple expressly open up their room windows when they making love inside. That causing someone other can watch their activity whenever pass besides. Another one: Deliberately someone wear off their underwear, or wear off their bra, so that we can see the privates shape over their clothes. Have you ever got that situation? If you ever, That are some typical behaviors of a man with Exhibition Syndrome Diseases. Exhibition Syndrome is a kind of psychical diseases that the sufferers tent to show up their genital organ to someone other in common places, or another else that similars. It is very unexpected psychically disorder. We have to understand than will solve it.
Exhibition Syndrome Diseases caused by traumatic moment of sexual experiences such as: humiliations, diffidentness, and discontentedness of sexual experiences. Almost people would pleased if they have good sexual ability. But if they get humiliating about their sexual ability as a rule they will disappoint than repressed. Some people have diffident feeling about their privates because they did not have proportional size. They believe the myth that someone acquire small-size genital thing, their sexual activities would be nasty. Almost of Exhibition Syndrome diseases caused by discontentedly from sexual experiences. Discontented feelings repressed more and more, than assembled into unconsciousness become a “traumatic complex”. So, This nastily experiences leave a traumatic sexual experience complex than construct a sexual disorders behavior.
Secondly, Every disease, illness, and sickness having typical pattern, and so it is with Exhibition Syndrome diseases. Most of the Exhibition Syndrome sufferer are male, although some of them are female. But it is rarely. Man with Exhibition Syndrome (Exhibition Syndrome sufferer) usually using common places to find their victims. High way, sidewalk, city park, movie theater room, and cafe are several place that sometime utilize by exhibition syndrome sufferer to perform their disorder behavior. Exhibition Syndrome sufferer would happy, proud, satisfy, and reach incredible orgasm when the victim wander, scare away, frightful, or panic with their (exhibition) activity. Otherwise, Exhibition Syndrome sufferer disappoint if the victim have a careless manner. Therefore, man with Exhibition Syndrome tend to approve their sexual ability to the other.
We can find solutions to solve the disease and recovery the sufferer’s condition. Guidance and counseling therapy it’s a good choice to repair their attitude and have sex-educations. Second solutions, we can using Hypnotherapy. This therapy taking over the consciousness into unconsciousness to repair the memories that contain “traumatic-complex” such as humiliation, diffindentness, and discontentedness of sexual experiences. Another significant part beside therapist are changing the environment. As we know, environment is a significant factor that determined our mind, attitude, and behavior. Sexual disorder behavior seems like Exhibition Syndrome could appear because of environmental pressure. Humiliation, incorrectly sex information, peer group, and myth of sex are several of environment part that have tension to arrange sexual disorder seems like exhibition Syndrome Diseases. So, several therapist methods could work to solve Exhibition Syndrome problem.
Overall, this explanation bring us to conclusion that we should know, people with Exhibition Syndrome Diseases are not our enemies, but they are people who needs help to repair their conditions become normal people again. People with Exhibition Syndrome are same with us, they need affection.
Exhibition Syndrome Diseases caused by traumatic moment of sexual experiences such as: humiliations, diffidentness, and discontentedness of sexual experiences. Almost people would pleased if they have good sexual ability. But if they get humiliating about their sexual ability as a rule they will disappoint than repressed. Some people have diffident feeling about their privates because they did not have proportional size. They believe the myth that someone acquire small-size genital thing, their sexual activities would be nasty. Almost of Exhibition Syndrome diseases caused by discontentedly from sexual experiences. Discontented feelings repressed more and more, than assembled into unconsciousness become a “traumatic complex”. So, This nastily experiences leave a traumatic sexual experience complex than construct a sexual disorders behavior.
Secondly, Every disease, illness, and sickness having typical pattern, and so it is with Exhibition Syndrome diseases. Most of the Exhibition Syndrome sufferer are male, although some of them are female. But it is rarely. Man with Exhibition Syndrome (Exhibition Syndrome sufferer) usually using common places to find their victims. High way, sidewalk, city park, movie theater room, and cafe are several place that sometime utilize by exhibition syndrome sufferer to perform their disorder behavior. Exhibition Syndrome sufferer would happy, proud, satisfy, and reach incredible orgasm when the victim wander, scare away, frightful, or panic with their (exhibition) activity. Otherwise, Exhibition Syndrome sufferer disappoint if the victim have a careless manner. Therefore, man with Exhibition Syndrome tend to approve their sexual ability to the other.
We can find solutions to solve the disease and recovery the sufferer’s condition. Guidance and counseling therapy it’s a good choice to repair their attitude and have sex-educations. Second solutions, we can using Hypnotherapy. This therapy taking over the consciousness into unconsciousness to repair the memories that contain “traumatic-complex” such as humiliation, diffindentness, and discontentedness of sexual experiences. Another significant part beside therapist are changing the environment. As we know, environment is a significant factor that determined our mind, attitude, and behavior. Sexual disorder behavior seems like Exhibition Syndrome could appear because of environmental pressure. Humiliation, incorrectly sex information, peer group, and myth of sex are several of environment part that have tension to arrange sexual disorder seems like exhibition Syndrome Diseases. So, several therapist methods could work to solve Exhibition Syndrome problem.
Overall, this explanation bring us to conclusion that we should know, people with Exhibition Syndrome Diseases are not our enemies, but they are people who needs help to repair their conditions become normal people again. People with Exhibition Syndrome are same with us, they need affection.
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