Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Aku tak peduli badai ini

Aku tak peduli kabut ini

Sungguh, sungguh aku tak peduli

Aku akan tiba di tempatMu


Aku tahu di atas sana

Angin bertiup kencang

Aku tahu, di atas sana

Udara bertiup dingin membeku

Tetapi aku juga tahu

DiriMu di puncak sana


Akan kupanggul kerier ini

Akan kudaki gunung ini

Selangkah demi selangkah

Setapak demi setapak

Setiap tetes keringat yang mengucur

Seperti itu pula kerinduanku padaMu

Setiap hembusan nafasku yang memburu

Seperti itu pula keinginanku
merasakan indahMu


Tunggu, tunggulah aku…

Aku akan datang

Ke tempat DiriMu berada

Tunggu, tunggulah….

Aku akan datang

Memeluk mesra DiriMu

Tidur di pangkuanMu

Dibelai halus tanganMu

Di antara hamparan eidelweis

Di tengah – tengah taman surga.

Friday, May 21, 2010


It's a well-known fact that Indonesia, as Tropical-Archipelago country, has lots of mountains either active or not. People call it "ring of fire" because Indonesia lies on Earth's active volcano line. You can re-check it In Indonesia Map. There are around one thousand mountains lies extend along Indonesia territory. As we known, the landscape sight over the mountain is majestic. You can see the clouds under your feet, take a look to the land over the mountain summit, touching edelweiss; the everlasting-flower, going through Pine forest by foot, facing uncategorized flora and fauna, and also enjoy sunrise and sunset over the mountain.

Especially for sunrise and sunset, I'd stress that those are very beautiful moments with very beautiful views. Likewise mountains in Indonesia, the sunrise and sunset are very panoramic sight. I convince that you would be stupefied when you would have watched the sun ascending or descending over the horizon.

Moreover, one of my hobbies is mountaineering. The main activity of mountaineering is capturing sunrise and sunset pictures. It was very exciting activity to take a beautiful picture. I love to take landscape pictures much. Now, I’d like to show you some of sunrise and sunset pictures I had ever taken couple years ago. Here we are:

This picture had been taken from Bubrah summit of Merapi Mt. when I went there,

This Sunset view was taken when I was climbing Merbabu Mt.,

I took this picture when I had almost reached Sumbing Mt. peak.

It was taken from a shelter (camping ground) on Sindoro Mt. Slope.

I captured it from Penanjakan summit of Tengger Caldera, near from Bromo Mt.

Cette photo a été prise alors que j'étais debout sur le troisième sommet du Mt Merbabu.

Je aime bien cette photo. Je l'ai pris quand j'étais debout dans Ungaran Mt. en Indonésie

Whenever you're ready, l suggest you to visit and climb Indonesia's mountains.. I bet you'll be stunned with its fabulous landscapes..

absolutely, those experiences are simply unforgetable memories for me..